TribalGIS Logo

A national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Tribal Communities

Tribal GIS ®

The National Tribal Geographic Information Support Center (NTGISC), also known as “Tribal GIS®”, launched this website to share information on new technology, new tips, and techniques and especially to facilitate connecting Tribal communities. As we continue to grow NTGISC together, we encourage all tribal personnel, members, faculty, students, and leaders of other organizations to use NTGISC and the Tribal GIS® website as a technical resource to help you find the answers you need from others within Indian Country.

We have established our website for all to get an idea of what our organization is about. We will continue to add general content within the public section of the website as well as adding exclusive technical content and additional items of interest to our secured member login area. Please check back periodically for quality not quantity.

So what is NTGISC really about?

GIS is an industry that can be applied to and from the hills all over the world, but what about within Indian Country? From collecting GPS positions within native communities to performing advanced analysis for tribal economic development activities, Indian Country has some pretty advanced GIS activities going on.

Our questions begin with curiosity we then become intrigued and begin to ask ourselves… Who orchestrated such a project? What technology or tools did they use? When did this project end/begin? Where was this implemented? Why was the project initiated? How long did the project take?

Why not find out what other Tribal folks are doing with GIS and GPS technologies right here within Tribal GIS!
Our goal with NTGISC is to establish “The Best Practices and Standards for Geographic Information Systems within Indian Country.

NTGISC Newsletter

Here you will find archives of the newsletter that is mailed to every NTGISC Member and emailed to anyone who subscribes.

Participating Communities 277

  • 1854 Treaty Authority, MN
    1854 Treaty Authority, MN
  • Agua Caliente, CA
    Agua Caliente, CA
  • Ak-Chin Indian Community, AZ
    Ak-Chin Indian Community, AZ
  • Alutiiq Village, AK
    Alutiiq Village, AK
  • Apache Tribe, AZ
    Apache Tribe, AZ

Upcoming Conferences

April 28 – May 1, 2025

Online Members 1